Sunday, December 7, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
Monday, October 20, 2014
The teacher closed himself
in his chamber for a month to prepare for his first lecture.
He appeared in the
class room. He was carrying Attendance Register, chalk box and a duster, we had to consider him as a lecturer. When he started teaching, students requested him
not to cover that topic because it belonged previous year’s syllabus.
teacher had prepared this topic and was not ready for any change. He asked us to listen to his ‘well prepared’ discourse (any how); the students were not prepared to
this unwanted lecture and therefore started making noise.
Some of the students closed
the door and windows so that other classes are not disturbed.
Ultimately, teacher got the
signal and requested students to keep quiet.Then he decided to start taking attendance at the middle of the period. On calling their
name, the students stood up but kept silent,
without uttering a word.
The teacher left the class and never returned
to teach us in future.
अतिथि मन
रात का तीसरा पहर
- अंधी हवा गुदगुदाने लगी है! शरीर कपड़ों को चाहने लगा है, ओस चुपचाप उतर रही है -मुंह दिखाई के लिए॰ मैदान भी
ओस ओढ़ कर सो रहे हैं. और ब्रम्हचारी दिनों का तप निस्तेज होने वाला है ... यह लो! घूमने के दिन आगये
- अतिथि दिन - मन कभी इधर, कभी
उधर - पता
ही नहीं चलता कि
कहाँ घूम आया है यह मन !
Friday, October 10, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
We were conducting experiment on performance of pumps,
unfortunately results we got were just opposite of ideal
performance. The
figures were showing increasing trend
with increase in inputs instead of
We asked about this strange phenomeon, the teacher,
bothering about the performance of pump, advised us
how to show this on graph.
“If we increase X-axis scale and
reduce the scale of Y-axis, the results will
look alright.”
This reminds me of one instance. We had one guest lecture
and the guest appreciated the prepared item during lunch.
the guest asked local
chef, “How do you prepare scrambled
The lady accompanying the guest
“Do you prepare it by vigorously shaking the egg after
pouring it on
the frying pan?”
The poor fellow without understanding anything said,
Monday, September 15, 2014
The professor was collecting Rs. 250 each from the students.
He made 4 columns, distinguishing three digits for numbers and one column for
name of student. He wrote the name of student in one column and amount paid in three columns;
thus 2
I 5 I 0. On
completion of the task, he started adding the total at the end. There were 72
students, he made some mistake and the total was not tallying with the amount
collected. He was puzzled.
One student observed this and offered help. The
professor handed over the sheet to the student. The student multiplied the
number of students and the money collected.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Friday, August 29, 2014
Leaders (and teachers) must work on reducing unnecessary work. Those who
undermine others and expect them to work hard and accomplish nothing,
increase unproductive, unuseful work. ----“गधे हैं साले!”
During practical examination External examiner asked, “What material is
used for wattmeter base?”
I kept silent.
He probed further, “You should know the answer, being from mechanical branch?”
I said, “I know it is stainless
steel but then you will ask ‘why stainless steel’, for which I have no answer.”
The examiner laughed and replied,
“I too do not know why it is made of
stainless steel!”
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Friday, August 15, 2014
Sunday, August 3, 2014
The Engineering teacher was
giving example of U bolt, the students never saw such a bolt, explaining it in
more detail the teacher said, “If you
climb a telephone pole, you will see a bolt there; it is a U bolt.”
The nearing examinations made students alert in anticipation of the importance and a probable question appearing in examination.
The next day all the students were seen climbing on telephone poles.
professor was very hard working, he used to prepare notes by copying as it is
from renowned author’s book. He never dictated from his notes directly. He will
write on black board from his notes (This action was good to
keep all persons engaged during the class and was enough to pass the time
He will not change a word, if there is a print mistake or erosion on
note book, he will scrupulously make it that way on black board (every year).
He used to
give his note book to students during part time degree course for copying and
visit his home for meals. One day he returned early and found students
gossiping. On inquiring the students said,
“Sir! We have already purchased the book from where
you have copied.”
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Engineering Practical Examination
*The external had arrived, all the instruments kept hidden in cupboards till now came come out and displayed on the table. The examiner picked up Screw gage and asked me,
“What is this instrument?”
I said “it is Screw gauge, used for measuring pitch of screws, Sir!”
He opened one and asked me, “Can you tell me the TPI (threads per inch) of this gauge?”
I said, “4 TPI”
The examiner got annoyed and raised his voice “Did you memorize it before reaching here?”
“No Sir, it is written on the gauge itself.”
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Monday, May 26, 2014
Engineering Excellence
The practical viva voce was going on, the external examiner asked, “If A. C. motor is connected to D. C. supply, what you think will it work?”
The student thought for some time and replied, “It will definitely work Sir, but….. वो मजा नहीं आयगा”
Monday, May 5, 2014
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Rehersal .....?
राष्ट्रपति प्रसन्न है, अशोक चक्र प्रदान कर रहे हैं एक शूरवीर की असमय विधवा को ..जिसके चेहर पर वेदना है पीड़ा है जो उसने झेली है.. उसने झेली थी. जो नहीं रहा- उसे उस मर्मान्तक दृश्य की बार बार याद दिलाई जाती है, कम से कम पंद्रह बार पूर्वाभ्यास भी करना पडा होगा .. बेचारी ... गर्व का दिन पीडाओं को और गहरी कर गया Jay Ho!
खोखली वाणी में 'जय हिंद' गूँज रहा है मन अभावों में अटका हुआ है, सरकार हमारे पैसे खर्च कर उसकी उपलब्धि गिना रही है जनता उनकी 'जय' के नारे लगा रही ..शायद कुछ दिन का भोजन मिल जायगा . रेगिस्तान में भी कायदे होते है जीने के लिए ..'जय' बुलवाने के त्यौहार का दिन है Thursday, March 6, 2014
प्रकृति बादलों के सफ़ेद आँचल से सहला रही है नर्म आँच फिर अच्छी लगाने लगी है
जो कुछ रुका हुआ था, जम सा गया था पिघल रहा है बह निकला है, जड़ता चैतन्य में परिवर्तित हो रही है. धूप अच्छी लगने लगी है
कितनी कविताएं बह निकली होगीं इस अश्रु धारा के साथ साथ ...
Monday, February 3, 2014
Vasant -14
है वसन्त आ गया है
मै ढूँढने निकल पडा, कही दिखाई नहीं दिया. शायद ऋतुराज होने के नाते साधारण लोगो से नहीं मिलता होगा! यह एक रिवाज होगा या कोई मजबूरी होगी - साधारण मनुष्य भी कितना साधारण कर दिया गया है...
वासंती हवाओं की तलाश में निकला था ---हवाइयां मिली चेहेरों पर! हरी हरी दूब से पटे हुए बड़े बड़े लान उस पर दौड़ते हुए रंग बिरंगे परिधानों में लिपटे शरीर, क्यारियों में तरतीब से उगाये हुए फूल, वसंत को करीने से प्रदर्शन के लिए लाया गया है. पोस्टरों में वसंत उमड़ रहा है. आखिर वसंत को भी मनाना पड़ता है, मनाना चाहिए- ऊपर से आर्डर है.
फूल कुछ कहते हुए से क्यों नहीं लगते? पेड़ आमंत्रण क्यों नहीं देते? दूब दुलारती क्यों नहीं? वे रस भरी हवाएं कहाँ गयीं? वे हवाएं जो टेसुओ के इर्द गिर्द भागती फिरती है, मादक रस से भरे फूलों पर मंडराते हुए भंवरों के पंखो से चलती हैं, क्यों नहीं हैं यहाँ?
Sunday, February 2, 2014
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