Thursday, November 25, 2010

The begining

प्रदीप जोशी ने मुझे प्रेरित किया तो फलस्वरूप यह शुभारम्भ है
It started with deep thinking.
The first thing which came to mind that I should get rid of my sticking with the belief that if I publish something on this blog, it will be pirated by my good (!) friends.But, on reflecting, it became very clear that whatever I think that 'I think' is not mine.
The thoughts are like clouds, they come and go, they do not belong to any specific person. This time I got the opportunity and therefore I am having them!
It came to my mind that while listening to सुन्दर काण्ड I was perplexed by the story of a राक्षस who used to grab any bird flying around by pulling its shadow. When श्री हनुमान was flying across the sea, he happened to encounter this powerful creature. I wonder how a transparent personality like श्री हनुमान can be influenced by such forces?
It is perhaps our 'dark' shadow which always accompany us, creates problems for us. The image which we have or want to have is creating problem, why not to bother about such image?
so,  a new beginning requires me to deal with my assumptions first.

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